Hello future expats!
You've made it! Well, almost.

Welcome to our tropical website of all things residency, permits, trusts and the business setups of Mauritian Immigration. We built the site to help you feel comfortable with taking the leap to emigrate or move your business to the beautiful tropical Island of Mauritius. It can be a scary thing to do! We know, we've done it. That's the very reason we started Mauritiusimmigration.com. Being two South African entrepreneurs who have travelled to many countries and lived all over the world, it's pretty much safe to say we've tried 'em all'. Each country had its positives and negatives but we just never found the country that suited our needs best. Colorado was fantastic but then we were 2 days air travel away from our families. Australia was great, too but again tax and distance from South Africa eventually drove us home. I personally spent over 5 years in the UK and loved it but after 5 years, the weather took its toll and the 45% tax was definitely nothing to smile about either. I headed back to South Africa once again......temporarily, that is. Until we discovered Mauritius. These days Mauritius is so liveable and has so much to offer compared to other countries and so our choice became an easy one. Of course, the very favourable 15% income tax did play a part in our decision.
South Africa is an amazing place and we are not anti our country of birth by any means! However, Mauritius is a safe environment and a great place in which to live for our economic needs right now. Being so close to Cape Town and Johannesburg(with numerous direct flights), you're never more than a few hours away from home - feels like a Plett or Hermanus for Capetonians except you fly.
In recent years, many of our friends have been asking how to get residency in Mauritius or set up companies as we have. Some were interested simply as a Plan B, an option to take up if needed, due to the situation in South Africa being a little uncertain. So what started as a chat around a braai, turned into taking numerous calls from friends and friends of friends asking for advice. Thus, after many months of research, mauritiusimmigration.com was born. All the information with the right connections are in one place with the best, most affordable routes to emigration. Our business structure sets up a smooth process for you. We made mistakes, had the wool pulled over our eyes, spent more money than we needed to, hence Mauritiusimmigration.com.
We made the mistakes, so you won't have to!
"Apply Now" and come get tropical!